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emf exposure symptoms

EMF Exposure Symptoms and Next Steps to Take

You might not know it, but the electronic gadgets you use daily may pose health risks. Cellphones and computers produce waves of energy called electromagnetic fields (EMFs). 

EMFs are invisible areas of energy. There’s an ongoing debate about the potential health effects of EMFs. Some experts believe EMFs aren’t harmful, but some scientists believe otherwise. 

Should you worry about EMF exposure symptoms? Read on to learn more about EMFs and their potential health risks. 

What Are EMFs?

EMFs are frequencies of energy. You can think of these as waves of radiation. These waves aren’t visible to the naked eye, but they’re found almost everywhere in our environment. 

EMFs exist on a spectrum. They range from low- to high-energy waves. Energy fields on the low end of the spectrum produce non-ionizing radiation.

Non-ionizing radiation is safe. This form of EMFs accounts for most of the radiation people are exposed to. 

What are the sources of low-frequency EMFs? Cellphones, TVs, and radios can produce low-frequency EMF. Microwaves, Wi-Fi routers, and Bluetooth devices also produce these types of waves. 

On the high end of the spectrum are high-energy waves. These produce ionizing radiation. 

Sources of ionizing radiation include ultraviolet lights. The sun releases this form of radiation. Tanning beds and welding torches also release it. 

Gamma rays and medical X-rays also produce ionizing radiation, as well as CT scans. 

EMFs in Daily Life

You might be asking, “How do EMFs reach me?” The answer to this question might surprise you. 

EMF exposure can affect anyone. The level of EMF exposure that affects each person varies. It’s important you consider what products or devices you spend time around. 

Chances are high that you are around power lines daily. The strongest electric fields that you may encounter come from these high-voltage lines. 

Don’t be too alarmed. The transformers around these lines reduce the strength of their voltage. The walls of your house offer you some protection. 

As you read, TVs and computers also produce EMFs. The strength of their frequencies varies. They only emit a small amount of radiation. 

Still, you need to take precautions. Remember when your mother told you not to stand too close to your TV? Well, there’s a reason why she told you that. 

The closer you sit to your TV, the more radiation you’ll get. It’s best that you sit several feet away from the TV. 

Wireless devices can also emit a certain type of energy. These devices can emit radiofrequency energy. 

There’s good news. The Federal Communications Commission set guidelines to promote radiofrequency safety. The guidelines ensure these devices don’t affect your health.  

EMF Exposure Symptoms

By now you might be thinking, “What are EMF symptoms to be on the lookout for?” Symptoms include sleep disturbances and fatigue. Headaches and dizziness are other symptoms to watch for.

Other symptoms that can arise are changes in memory and problems concentrating. After exposure to EMFs, a person may feel nauseous or restless. 

If you experience any of these symptoms, you’ll need to see a doctor right away. Don’t ignore any of these symptoms. 

It’s still not known how severe the effects of EMF exposure can be. Exposure to EMF can cause distress and might even be disabling for some. 

Research on Harmfulness of EMF Exposure

There’s a lot of disagreement over how much danger EMFs pose to human health. Some experts classify non-ionizing EMFs as a possible human carcinogen. This is a substance that’s capable of causing cancer. 

Many scientists believe there’s a link between radiation and glioma. This is a type of brain cancer that’s malignant. 

What are the danger levels for EMFs? The consensus is that larger radiofrequency energy could pose the most danger. Fields from 100 KHz to 300 GH are a cause for concern. 

The Environmental Protection Agency established a guideline on low levels of EMF radiation. It doesn’t impose limits on low-level EMFs. The agency states that there isn’t any evidence that shows this level of EMF can affect human health. 

How to Reduce EMF Exposure

Do you worry about getting sick? There are actions you can take to reduce your EMF exposure. 

If your concern is over low- to mid-frequency EMFs, you shouldn’t sit near appliances. Don’t linger around them. These appliances include the TV and the microwave. 

Try not to have your phone next to you when you aren’t using it. It’s best to use the speaker function on your phone. This helps reduce exposure to radiofrequency energy. 

Refrain from carrying your phone in your pocket. If possible, carry it in a bag or briefcase. 

You can reduce your exposure to high-frequency EMFs as well. Limit the number of X-rays you get. If you use tanning beds, limit your time in them. 

It’s a good idea to limit your time in the sun. Yes, some sunlight is good for your health, but too much of it is bad. 

If you work in the sun, you should consider wearing EMF protective clothing. This type of clothing is essential. 

There are various EMF blocking clothing options available. You can buy anything from hoodies to tops. Hats are even available. 

Preventing EMF Exposure 

As you read, there are several devices that emit EMFs. There’s a lot of debate about the potential harm to human health. It’s still important to understand how they can affect your health. 

If you experience any of the EMF exposure symptoms, you must take action. See a doctor right away. 

Protect yourself from EMF exposure by buying EMF protective clothing. Contact us now to learn more about our products. 

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